Monday 15 December 2008

Chuck Sequence Analysis

In this 30 second clip it is very difficult to distinguish the separate shots as they all seem to phase into the next. After watching the clip in detail I’ve noticed certain themes and styles that reflect the programme. The music sets a fast paced but relatively light hearted mood to the whole scene. The shot changes to an extent in time with the music, every time the music differentiates from the main basic beat something changes slightly. This happens about 5 or 6 times. The music then develops further into a higher pitch solo if you like. Once the solo begins the whole clip becomes more chaotic and faster paced.

The music builds up to its first change which happens in the first three seconds when the camera, very quickly zooms into the name on the badge ‘Chuck’. The camera pans up as the beat heads in a brief anti climax when the silhouette of the man with the brief case jumps from the bulls eye.

sorry i didnt get any further, i fell asleep on my laptop and woke up at 00:26

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