Thursday, 5 March 2009
Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The long road logo is mine too; it represents a funding company’s logo.
I deliberately put only a few credits in to avoid the boring aspect of having so much to read, like the titles to the first Spiderman
I decided to put each actors name as they appear on screen so you have something to relate too.
The films a slightly comical action film which, if made would probably be done so by a large film company such as universal studios, who have a lot of experience with comic book style films
I decided to put ‘a film by’ instead of ‘directed by’ as I did more than just direct it.
Its fairly un-conventional to put the title of the film in twice how ever I decided to do this, the first title is to introduce you to the civilian Drake, and the final title to show you he’s more than just a civilian.
Audience Feedback
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)
2) Framing - I chose to frame my shots fairly centrally so you're forced to focus on the character and pay close attention to facial expressions etc.
3) Lighting - My opening sequence was lit entirely by natural light, i felt this was best as it makes it slightly easier to relate to, opposed to if i had light rigs it would make reduce the natural shadowing and wouldn't look so good. also i had no access to lights even if i wanted them.
4) Camera Movement - This shot is a backwards tracking shot, i did it by sitting on a bike backwards while it was pushed forwards. this was the best technique i could use as the dolly i had access to was unstable and just vibrated. and walking i was unable to keep the camera stable. although this shot is still fairly wobbly it was the best result i got after filming it a good few times.
5) Setting - I wanted to set my film in a street to make it seem like it was just a random crime that drake witnessed, however because my scene had a gun, all be it a fake one. I wasn't aloud to go off college grounds, this was the closest i could get to a street.
6) Costume - Drake Napalm is a scientist thats been caught in an accident, therefore it makes sense for him to be in a lab coat.
7) Narrative - This shot shows the general theme of the opening sequence in one shot, Drake witnessing a gun crime.
8) Typography - For my credits i went onto a site called DaFonts and downloaded a comic book font called badaboom i thought it fit the style and theme of my film well. i then made it red with a yellow out line to give it a fire effect.
9) Visual Effects - To show drakes powers off i decided to animate a shot of his hand with fire into it.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Summary of the shoot
Second day of shooting
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Defining moment
Thursday, 12 February 2009
- Drake Napalm, should be out standing and look intellectual and yet menacing at the same time.
- Gun Man, should be able to look shady and kind of creepy.
- Pedestrian, should look innocent and helpless.
First day of shooting
Continuity Task
And this is Mike and Matt's version with myself and tim acting. this version is filmed in HD where as mine and Tim's isn't, we did this to show the difference in quality.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Project so far update
- Finnishing my mood board i tryed taking the files home to finnish it but i don't have the same version of final cut apparently so the folder wouldn't open.
- The same goes for my annimatic.
- I'm currently working out my shot list.
- i have a few suggestions from my teacher and i changed the set from a street to a toe path or somthing.
- Ash is going to be playing the lead role of drake.
- Ash also suggested to me that i buy a pair of reading glasses from boots for about £5, and i'll ask one of the chemistry labs if we can borrow a lab coat. I also realized i need a gun as a prop, this isn't a problem as i have a suitable plastic one.
- I still need to do font tests.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
voice over
"I've never really had a stedy job, it's always been switching from one to the next. i'd never have one job for more than a couple of weeks, a month at max. even back when i was a kid. I was a paper boy, but it was awful pay. A shelf stacker, dead boring. check out attendant, every one was so RUDE. tryed telemarketing but i just got abuse shouted back. got into accounting, but i was awfull. got my degree and became a chemist, it was alright, but to controled, they didnt like it when i fooled about, said id get hurt. now i enjoy what i do, its far more interesting..."
at this point the shot of drakes hand with a ball of fire in it starts.
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Project so far, what i need to do
- Finnish mood board.
- Finnish animatic.
- Shot list.
- Find right location.
- Find the right person to play Drake, my leed role.
- Find props, (glasses that can be broken, a lab coat maybe)
- Do title font tests.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Major issue expansion
With out a good location my entire opening sequence will look amature and poorly thought out.
The solution to this is to spend a good amount of time, a day or two, scouting for the right location.
2) The second of my three main issues is the adverse weather conditions
Recently college has been closed due to heavy snow and is likly to do so again later in the week. Every time college is shut, we loose time off the project and as the dead line is fixed, time is precious.
There is no real solution for this, as i can't change the weather! how ever i can help myself by doing as much work from home as possible, research, practice shots etc.
3) The 3rd and final major issue im goin to experiance is being on holiday in half term.
Once again, there is little i can do to rectify this problem, although i do plan on taking my macbook with me so i will make sure i've shot all my footage before i go so i am able to edit it on the plane etc.
Problematic assesments
Minor Concerns: Possible minor concerns could be making the special effects look belivable, an unorganised crew/cast, a weak story board/shot list and the lack of availability of the good cameras.
Major Issues: Major issues would be finding decent location, adverse weather causing college to close and to lose time and being away over half term.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Blog feedback
Over all, I think your blog is very detailed, interesting and you have, so far, done a lot of research towards your Film Project.One aspect which I really like, is that even though your blog posts are quite detailed, you have posted a lot of visual examples of research. This, in my opinion is much more interesting to read, also shows that you have researched in more than one place and shows exactly what you have researched. Of course, all of your visuals are relevant and they show the thought in which you put into looking for something which will help you with your project.Your logos, in particular, are quite good and show off your talents with effects and your creativity.The text which you post along with each visual is just as good as the research itself, very detailed and you seem to know what you are going to do or at least have a lot of inspiration.I don't have many bad points about your blog but I think that you could research some more visual or info on films and programs etc, relevant to your chosen opening - rather than relying on the blog homework.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Napalm research
Napalm is the name given to any of a number of flammable liquids used in warfare, often jellied gasoline. Napalm is actually the thickener in such liquids, which when mixed with gasoline makes a sticky incendiary gel. Developed by the U.S. in World War II by a team of Harvard chemists led by Louis Fieser, its name is a portmanteau of the names of its original ingredients, coprecipitated aluminium salts of naphthenic and palmitic acids. These were added to the flammable substance to cause it to gel.
Although Napalm is technically the name of the thickener of the incendiary fluid, it is much more convinient and catchy to use it as the name of the product.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Essential elements for a good opening sequence
Brief 1 research blade 2
Thursday, 22 January 2009
film pitch + tagline
Drake's a boring 25 year old accountant, but when duty calls his suit burns to reveal Drake Napalm. with the power to torch his enemys.
an acountant X a very volatile substance
Film breif idea switch
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Gregg Araki
Film breif 3 research
Here i have posted the opening credits to the 2004 critically acclaimed indie film 'Mysterious Skin'. Mysterious skin is a film about two boys in Kansas that were both sexually abused by their baseball coach aged 8. How the delt with the dilemma differently, one blanked it out, the other embraced it. Later they meet aged 18 and realise they weren't being singled out in ones case or loved in the others, just abused.
Breif 3 research
Millions-A film about 7 year old damein that finds a bag of money and goes about trying to give it to charitys and the needy etc.
Daywatch- russian film about the battle between night and day, Yegor has the power to save either one of the two, depending on which he chooses.
Somers Town- Somers Town is about a young boy who runs away from home and goes to London, quickly befriending a young immigrant, and they both fall in love with a French waitress
Brick- Brendan finds his girlfriend dead due to mysterious circumstances and devotes his time to finding out what happend to her.
Film breif 3 research
Although not an independant film, Spiderman fits the breif of being a young protagonist fairly well, Toby Maguire playing the part of Peter Parker aka Spiderman uses the powers he has obtained to stop evil and therefore become a hero.
these are the opening credits to the film
Columbia pictures presents
a Marvel enterprises / laura ziskin production
Toby Maguire
Willem Dafoe
Kirsten Dunst
James Franco
Cliff Robertson
Rosemary Harris
J.K. Simmons
Gerry Becker
Bill Nunn
Jack Betts
Stanley Anderson
Ron Perkins
Casting By
Francine Maisler and Lynn Kressel
Grant Curtis
Music by
Danny Elfman
Costumes Designed by
James Acheson
Visual Effects Designed by
John Dykstra. Asc
Edited by
Bob Murawski
Arthur Coburn. A.C.E.
Production Designer
Neil Spisak
Director of Photography
Don Burgess. ASC
Exectutive Producers
Avi Arad
Stan Lee
Produced by
Laura Ziskin
Ian Bryce
Based on the Marvel Comic Book By
Stan Lee abd Steve Ditko
Screenplay by
David Koepp
Directed by
Sam Raimi
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Long Road logo animation
We were given an image of the long road logo, i then had to cut out each section of the logo into separate layers in photoshop. Once that was done i exported the layers from photoshop, imported them into After effects. When i had the separate layers in After Effects i was able to animate then into a clip as you can see above.
Monday, 19 January 2009
Comments on my 1st brief
really funny idea could be a good film lots of big explosion and some kind of guy trying to stop him sound like a good film to see if u want to see loads of explosion in many different ways (must make each explosion creative and different because people will get bored)
I found the idea very entertaining, it was quite funny and would do very well as a comic. Great comic idea.
Sweet idea, could be very funny.
I found sam's ideas very creative, using comedy to pull people in. I enjoyed all of his ideas but thought perhaps number 1 was the best.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Film Breif ideas
Breif 2) Woman geting married, maid of honour dies on the way to the wedding in car crash, comes back to haunt her with the fact she'd been sleeping with the Groom.
Breif 3) 16 year old guys quest to get to a party with mental things getting in his way. (skins X harold and kumar)
Breif 4) i couldnt really think of anything, maybe some kind of a ROMCOM?
Friday, 16 January 2009
K+D logo analysis
K+D aka Kuntzel + Deygas are the animation masterminds behind such things as the opening credits to Catch me if you can, The pink panther and Agathe Cléry. I find their work incredible as it must take so much time. Having spent around an hour creating a 5 second long logo myself, creating 2, 3 minutes of animated footage like that, even as pros must take alot of time and dedication. The logo (above) is very baisic but effective and some what magestic.
Production logo rough cut
I plan to put sound over the clip also. i would have done tonight but couldn't find and suitable clips.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Hurtwood house thriller analysis
This clip is called unsound mind, its an As level thriller opening by students from Hurtwood house sixth form college. The clip is very abstract and trippy, i like this about it, the flickering of the picture and the Dub steppy music compliment each other well and the titles integrate effectivly, they don't intrude on anything but are clear enough to read. The effect of the clips of people swirling out is implemented wel.
T2-61 Evaluation/marking
Video - The more i watchthis video, the more i like it and understand why they've done things and the more i think things work. I'm still not keen on the 1st 10 seconds, the shot of the computer screen is confusing, looks like a floating screen not a stalker in a dark room. I like the CCTV effect they use for a few seconds but the fade out of it ruins it a bit. the video was well cut and switches between stalker and stalkie revlevantly. I dont likethe fairly non-descript sound track.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
DreamWorks logo
Monday, 12 January 2009
title sequence
For my film opening sequence i chose the credits of Catch Me If You Can, a film depicting the life of Frank Abagnale Jr.
The Lowreyesque credits were created by Florence Deygas and Olivier Kuntzel or K+D. K+D are a duet of visual artists. Kuntzel comes from a design and communication background and Deygas from classical animation movie and fashion illustration.
I love this movie and the opening credits pay a real credit to the film. The sequence flows seemlessly from one clip to the next, each relating to keypoints in the film linking through the elongation of letters in the titles from top to bottom of the screen.
K+D also did alternative title sequences for the pink panther movie and bbc 4s the desk
Continuity task
This is my continuity task video, the purpose of this clip is to show that i under stand the rules of continuity when filming. Rules such as the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
This clip is my edit of the stock footage & sound we were given. The task was to learn more about using final cut by editing the stock footage & sound together.
I decided to do my best to cut the video footage in time with the beat in the music. The music starts calm and quiet so i put a fairly mundane video clip of a reflective building with the start of the credits slowly fading in. the background then fades out to leave the white text on the black background. Then the music fades out and brakes into a breif guitar solo. the titles then continue to fly from different dirrections at double the time of the snare drum in the music. i only maneged to put titles this far as alot of the time i spent getting the right video clips to match the timing of the music. had i had more time i would of continued this pattern.
Monday, 15 December 2008
Chuck Sequence Analysis
The music builds up to its first change which happens in the first three seconds when the camera, very quickly zooms into the name on the badge ‘Chuck’. The camera pans up as the beat heads in a brief anti climax when the silhouette of the man with the brief case jumps from the bulls eye.
sorry i didnt get any further, i fell asleep on my laptop and woke up at 00:26
Sunday, 14 December 2008
YouTube hits
lego drama recreation
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Starsky and Hutch Lego
were only using the first 25 seconds of this clip because the rest of the clip changed each series, the main thing were going to need to make this cilp look good is the red and white car, starsky and hutch is mainly recognised by the car.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Importance of Cutaways and Coverage
Coverage is how much footage has been captured when filming a scene, the more coverage, the more material the editor has to use to get a better final peice.
Monday, 24 November 2008
TV Drama Homework.
- New Tricks
- Dexter
- Quincy
- Dianosis murder
- Forensic files
- Without a trace
- Body of evidence
- Bones
- Silent witness
- Monk